Operation Shoebox
Operation Shoebox provides Christmas gifts to needy children around the world. Our congregation gathers items to send to children and the Sunday School children literally pack them in shoe boxes for global distribution. We can track where the boxes are sent around the world to share the love of Christ.
We support world-wide Christian mission through the participation in special offering opportunities such as the One Great Hour of Sharing, Peace & Global Witness Offering. The congregation participates through special fundraising efforts in Ukraine and Turkey.
Angel’s Closet
We donate baby clothes, towels, washcloths, bibs, blankets etc. that are used in creating baby bundles, and we are currently a host pick up site where needy mothers can pick up their bundles.
Brighter Christmas
The Church sponsors “A Brighter Christmas” for 2 or 3 families whose children attend two local elementary schools. Donors from the East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church generously donate wrapped gifts to fulfill the children’s “wish lists.” As they signed up to provide these gifts, numerous donors stated that they always look forward to purchasing presents for children in this annual effort to assist Santa.
East Stroudsburg Fire Department
We are grateful for the volunteers who protect our community and financially support the local Fire Department.
Family Promise
We assist with Family Promise every month, once a week by providing prepared meals.
Financial Assistance for Congregants/Families
Our Church provides financial assistance and food for Church members and families during times of hardship through our Hope Fund.
Food Drives
We support the East Stroudsburg High School North Timberwolf Food Pantry. Food drives are sponsored as the need arises.
Members participate in the annual PATH Walk and donate monies for Christmas gifts.
Salvation Army
Our congregation is pleased to support the efforts of our local Salvation Army in its assistance to poor and hungry families.
Women’s Resources
We support the annual Spring sale of geraniums in our congregation. This provides money for this worthy organization and gives members of the church beautiful flowers to enjoy.
Our buildings and grounds are a wonderful resource for Mission and Outreach. We host:
- T.O.A.L.C. – The Older Adult Learning Center of East Stroudsburg University, a life-long learning organization serving over 600 seniors weekly
- Alcoholics Anonymous – meetings Tuesday and Thursday at noon in the Fellowship Hall.
- Narcotics Anonymous – weekly meeting on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 p.m in the Fellowship Hall
- Al Anon – meetings on Monday at noon and Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- Overeaters Anonymous – meetings on Tuesdays and Thursday from 10:30-11:30 in the Fellowship Hall
- Community Concerts
- Recovery Walk
- Arts supported at the grass-roots level with cello lessons and piano lessons
The Annual Yard Sale
Members donate good, useable items and volunteer their time to sort, price, set-up and work the days of the sale. All monies raised go to support mission organizations and projects.
Change for Mission / Mission for Change Jug
This jug was originally going to be out in the Narthex for one month to collect loose change. However, it was so popular that it is now placed in the Narthex throughout the year. Funds receive support mission.
Christmas Cookie Basket Exchange
At Christmas, our members hold a cookie exchange and make up Christmas cookie baskets which are delivered to homebound congregants.
Lenten Soup Suppers
A task team of the congregation provide a light soup supper on Wednesdays during Lent, followed by a brief worship devotional time.
Souper Bowl
We have our own “Super Bowl” contest to collect as much food as we can for North Timberwolf Food Pantry.
Weis Market Receipts
We have a collection box in the Narthex where members and guests may leave these receipts. They are redeemed for cash donations from the company and are used for various missions.