Letter to Congregation 09-15-2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Over the course of the past few months, I have heard from several people giving their opinions regarding pandemic related topics. This past year and a half have been challenging and strenuous on all of us, but especially on leaders who have had to discern and prayerfully consider how God is guiding us in these unprecedented times. Our very own leadership is among those who have prayerfully considered and come together this past meeting to decide to start seeing our new way forward regarding worship, among other difficult decisions. Keep in mind all these decisions were made recognizing what we learned from this past year. Nothing is set in stone and is subject to change at a moment’s notice. It is with hope and joy that I share their decision to return to a longer service. Both Adult and children’s Sunday school will start October 3, followed by a power half-hour fellowship time on the patio after. Fellowship power half-hour will continue each week. During fellowship time cool refreshments will be offered. If you would like to bring your own snack, you are welcome to do so.
With the expansion of worship times, you might think worship will return to exactly what it was pre-pandemic, but this is a season to explore new ways of doing worship in a post pandemic world. As we seek to live into the mission and vision of this church, we must strive to be open to new things. We aren’t going back, we are going forward. So how do we continue going forward well? I would invite you to share your ideas with our leaders or anyone on the 5–7-year planning commission. If you have a talent or gift, pray and ask if God is calling you to use your gift. Maybe, use it in some new way never done before. In the coming weeks, we will be exploring some differing ways to worship. May we all be patient and flexible as we continue seeking our way forward.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki
*If you are worshiping from home, I would encourage you to use the YouTube platform for optimal streaming quality. Additionally, feel free to sign on early no need to wait right until 10am anymore. *
YouTube: live stream and recording can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/ESPresbyterian
Facebook: click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/
Ways to give– mail or drop of check/cash through no contact mail slot in office window. Drop off envelope in offering plates before or after worship services. Donate on our website by going to the home page at https://www.espresbyterian.com/ and clicking on the Donate button in the upper right corner. Designate where you would like the money to go by using the note section.