Letter to Congregation 11-10-2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In my continuing education class, we discussed what we prioritize to meet our different needs. Specifically, I recognized how important my morning routine of devotional and exercise is to my spiritual needs. I have often said I feel off if I don’t get in my morning time with God through this daily routine. A metaphor I heard recently affirmed the importance of a good start to a day. It likens it to the primer time. For those of you who are confused. If you have ever used weed trimmer, lawn equipment, and snow blowers there is usually a primer bulb that must be pressed before it will begin to work. In other words, this priming time means to give it a little starter fuel, to get it going. This morning time is vital as a primer for my day. Do you have a morning primer activity? What is your primer? What gets your day started? Maybe you never thought about a primer. If as Christians we are called to glorify God in all things, a spiritual focused primer will get us started on the right foot and remind us of this calling.
I would encourage us all to have a spiritually focused daily morning primer. If you don’t already have a morning primer routine, consider practicing a “priming moment” in the first seconds you are awake in the morning that can set the tone for your day and guide you as you encourage others. An example to get your started could be a simple centering prayer. “Holy Trinity, I praise you for this new day. It is great to be loved by You and to love You back. Lord give me the ability today to see those I encounter as You see them.” Finally do a quick review of the day ahead and affirm your trust in God to be with you every step of the way. This is just one example feel free to find ways that are helpful to your faith journey. Any focus on God first thing in the morning will be great at priming us for the day ahead of us. It can propel our focus on God throughout the business of our daily lives. Hopefully as the saying goes these primers times “start us off on the right foot.” Let us take the time to focus our days on glorifying God by priming ourselves each day.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki
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Facebook: click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/
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