Letter to Congregation 03-10-2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
As I shared in last week’s announcements today’s letter will have information about the next two Sundays and the time I will be away. My extended family and I will be going to Disney World making me unavailable from March 11-23. It is good to care for ourselves, and I hope to find God at work even in my sabbath time away from you. I can do this knowing you are in good hands with a great leadership, and pastoral coverage. For worship there will be two different guest pastors. First is Janine Santora, a candidate under care of the Lehigh Presbytery. She is a graduate of Drew Theological Seminary and is married to Steve, together sharing two beautiful young children. The second week Elder Gary Perna from Mahanoy City church and chair of Committee on Ministry will be returning to us. He is married to Whitney and they have several dalmatian fur babies. Both guest pastors, I know, will be welcomed and appreciated for the gifts and service they offer.
Additionally, should a pastoral need arise outside of office hours you can contact Ellie Buff, Veronika Charpentier, or Debbie Prince and they will have a pastor covering for me reach out to you. Although I will miss all of you, I leave with great comfort that this congregations love for all and welcoming approach will be evident even while I am away. Worship services will continue both weeks in the hybrid model. I would highly encourage those who are attending in person to remember to exit the sanctuary when dismissed by an usher and make your way outside quickly before having any conversations. I recognize this is a way we love each other, but we also need to be following the protocols our leadership has given us to keep us in line with our insurance guidelines. I look forward to worshiping with you when I return.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki
Click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
YouTube live stream and recording can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/ESPresbyterian
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/
Ways to give- mail or drop of check/cash through no contact mail slot in office window. Drop off envelope in offering plates before or after worship services. Donate on our website by going to the home page at https://www.espresbyterian.com/ and clicking on the Donate button in the upper right corner. Designate where you would like the money to go by using the note section.
Lenten Bible Study Join Zoom Meeting– https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84500062138 Meeting ID: 845 0006 2138 To join by phone call 19294362866 then when prompted enter 84500062138# US (New York) keep in mind this is a long-distance call. March 10, 24, 31 at 6:30pm