Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I personally wanted to thank all of you who stepped up and answered the call for end-of-year giving. Your faithfulness helped us fulfill the shortfall in pledge giving referred to in my letter. This congregation, as I expected, remains faithful in their giving whenever called upon. In discussion with your leadership, we agreed that anytime the congregation is made aware of a financial need, as well as other needs, this congregation steps up and takes care of it. This congregation really knows how to take care of each other well. We are even great at being open to sharing our resources with the wider Presbyterian church. Each year, the session votes to approve sending funds that cover per capita and give money to the mission of the presbytery. Sending these funds displays our call to care for each other and the wider church.
In last year’s first pastor letter of the year, I shared about what per capita is and how the initial offering envelope can be used to either pay the per capita or give money that is above and beyond your pledge. You may also recall that I explained the per capita is paid whether it is received by our members or not. This year the per capita is $43.13 per member. Again, I would encourage you to consider using your initial offering envelope to pay the per capita for 2022. If you can, I would also encourage you to pay for another member who may not be able to afford it. Keep in mind, whatever you can give is appreciated. Also remember that in giving to make sure to note in the memo “per capita”. To make it easier, we continue to have multiple ways to give. You can give using your initial envelope, setting up bill pay through your bank, by check, or by cash in any envelope with the purpose written. It speaks volumes to the Spirit’s work among you when so many are willing to step up whenever there is a need of any kind. It gives me confidence to know that anything thrown at this congregation in 2022 will be met with this same faithfulness in bringing God’s kingdom to earth. I look forward to seeing the many ways God will use all our faithfulness this coming year.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki
YouTube: live stream and recording can be found at or
Facebook: click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at
Ways to give– mail or drop of check/cash through no contact mail slot in office window. Drop off envelope in offering plates before or after worship services. Donate on our website by going to the home page at and clicking on the Donate button in the upper right corner. Designate where you would like the money to go by using the note section.