Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Famous organizer, Marie Kondo, has a saying she uses to determine if something is worth keeping. She asks, “Does it spark joy?” This week’s sermon noted the need for us to encourage one another, rather than speak discouraging words, especially in challenging and transitional times. Perhaps we need to take Marie’s question and ask ourselves do we spark joy for others. Words of encouragement should spark God’s joy in us and in those with whom we are sharing. Joy is something everyone of us could admittedly use more.
Jesus spoke words of joy to his disciples, and they speak to us today. In John 15:11 Jesus was discussing the significance of keeping his commands. He concluded it with these words; “I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” What this meant for disciples is amazing. Jesus’ words display that the infinite joy of Jesus is living in us and that to be completed when shared with others. We impart joy by speaking about it through our encouraging words. As we go throughout our days may we remember to speak joy to one another through our words of encouragement. Perhaps, when we depart from one another we share words of joy. Instead of goodbye we might say, “joy to you,” or “joy go with you.” The more we point to joy the more we point to joy. In turn the more complete our joy will become. Let us share words of joy as we continue stepping into this uncertain changing future.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki
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Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at
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