Letter to Congregation 05-19-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he encourages them to refrain from engaging in certain activities for the sake of their brother or sister in Christ, whose views on a particular subject may differ. This is because … [Read more...]
May 12th Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 05-12-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As many have already heard, and/or have been ever waiting to hear, Governor Wolfe announced the state will lift all covid mitigation orders, except the mask mandate, on May 31. Some of us are still concerned, while many of … [Read more...]
May 5th Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 05-05-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This morning I woke early, even before the sun rose, because, through my open window, was a nice breeze that brought in the chorus of birds singing. Bird’s songs are music to my ears and draw me nearer to God. Being … [Read more...]