Letter to Congregation 07-14-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am so grateful for the work of the 5–7-year planning commission, as they prayerfully are discerning what our next steps forward in this post pandemic changing church will be. Because ESPC is a diverse and vibrant … [Read more...]
July 7th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 07-07-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, There is a common saying that I heard several times when I was younger that says, “you have to take the bad with the good”. What I did not realize then, that I have come to realize now, is that Jesus teaches this, too. He … [Read more...]
June 30th letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 06-30-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In Romans it says, “rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep”. As someone who has faced death and has experience in walking through grief with many who have lost their loved ones, I have learned a … [Read more...]
June 23rd Letter from Pastor Nicki
Reg. Bulletin 06-27-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Yesterday, I was talking with a family member who falls into what has come to be called the “nones and dones”; those who have no religious affiliation or those who are done with organized religion. He is someone who falls on … [Read more...]
June 16th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 06-16-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, If you were able to join us for worship this past Sunday, you likely heard that God gave Moses the law, which was to be a guide for the Israelites. These laws were primarily based on how to live well in community in … [Read more...]
June 9th Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 06-09-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I was recently driving through town and my mind was full of all the things on my to do list. Then suddenly, as if God were waking me up, I looked to my left and saw a beautiful field of wildflowers with butterflies and … [Read more...]
June 6th Letter From the Pastor
Letter to the Congregation - June 6, 2021 → Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I was filling out a survey for my son and it asked about his pain tolerance. Pain is an interesting thing. It can be physical, mental or spiritual. Typically, people try to avoid pain or resolve it, but … [Read more...]
May 26th Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 05-26-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, My husband was attending a zoom meeting for work in which they were discussing the problem of increasing reports of loneliness. This being mental health awareness month meant this was the third time I was hearing … [Read more...]