Shared by ESPC
December 15th Letter form Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 12-15-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Every Christmas season I am reminded about the joy of gift giving. Giving gifts began with God, who gave us all we have, who gave us the greatest gift of Jesus. When we think of gift giving, we often equate gifts to … [Read more...]
Special Music this Sunday – Please join us for worship
YouTube: live stream and recording can be found at or Facebook: click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream … [Read more...]
December 1st Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 12-01-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have been hearing that some of you are wondering what changes are coming, what is going on with the building, how can we get more people in the church and more. To answer some of those questions begins with sharing that … [Read more...]
Thank you!
Thank you! To all who contributed to the Thanksgiving Food Drive for the Timberwolf Pantry. We were able to donate enough food for 7 families to enjoy the holiday, in addition to gift cards for each of those families as well. Great job! … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Interfaith Service
October 13th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 10-13-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In preparing for the stewardship sermon series that focuses on the spiritual tools needed for us to be good stewards of all God has entrusted to us, I came across this list of 10 principles about Christian giving that I … [Read more...]
Adult Bible Study
Join Tim Swanson, and the adult bible study class at 9:00am in the lounge of our church for a study about the greatest sermon ever given known as the “ Sermon on the Mount”. This message, given to us by Jesus on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, begins with the Beatitudes and contains Jesus’ … [Read more...]