Ash Wednesday Guided Meditation Ash Wednesday Guided Meditation* EAST STROUDSBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEBRUARY 17, 2021 Meditation and Imposition of Ashes… Father Richard Rohr says that in his studies of the nearly universal practice of male initiation in native societies, he found a … [Read more...]
Click on the link below near the time the service begins at 6:30pm to watch the live stream YouTube recording can be found at or Additionally, bulletins and an online … [Read more...]
Interfaith Gathering Continue
I hope everyone has fared well from the snow. The next Insparity Dialogue zoom meeting will take place this Sunday February 14th from 6-7pm. We look forward to having you join us. The flyer has some questions to keep in mind but here are some added ones as well: Do you have a special word for it … [Read more...]
February 10th Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 02-10-2021 Dear Brother and Sisters in Christ, Believe it or not Lent is right around the corner. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which this year is February 17th. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the 40 days that are set aside in the year to self-examine and reorient us … [Read more...]
February 7th Worship service online only
Due to the expected snow fall the worship service on Sunday February 7th will be online only. Click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream YouTube recording can be found at … [Read more...]
February 3rd Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 02-03-2021 Pastor Letter 2/3/21 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In our Book of Confessions, the first question in the Westminster shorter catechism is a deep-rooted ideal we hold has Presbyterians. The question asks “what is the chief end of man?” To which … [Read more...]
Youth Group Zoom Meeting
Youth Group Zoom meeting Join us again this year for our monthly youth group zoom meetings. Our next meeting is Sunday, February 21 at 6:30pm. The zoom information is emailed to the youth and families. If you know of others in the community, or beyond, who might like to join our youth zoom … [Read more...]
Collection for Angel’s Closet
The Mission Committee has extended the collection of baby items for the non-profit organization of Angel’s Closet through the end of February. This organization helps provide baby layette bundles to mothers in Monroe County who need help in providing for their babies. We currently serve as a … [Read more...]