Lent Bible Study 2021 Week 6 Shalom WEEK 6 SHALOM RECONCILIATION This Lenten journey of exploring shalom has led us to this final week known as Holy week. In this final week may we continue to reflect on how we can accept this gift of shalom of justice, peace, wholeness/healing, hope, … [Read more...]
Lenten Self Study Discussions via Zoom
Lenten Self Study Discussions #3 Lenten Self Study Discussions via Zoom You are invited to join me in a Lenten Bible Study discussion time. As has been shared in my pastor letters and elsewhere, in lieu of Lenten soup and study we will be having zoom meetings to discuss the self-study material … [Read more...]
Lent Bible Study 2021 – Week 5
Lent Bible Study 2021 Week 5 Shalom WEEK 5 SHALOM REPAIRING In this fifth week of Lent we focus on another aspect of Shalom that most people are not familiar with, repairing. As we continue our journey through these weeks may we continue to reflect on how we can accept this gift of shalom … [Read more...]
March 10th Letter from the Pastor
Letter to Congregation 03-10-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As I shared in last week’s announcements today’s letter will have information about the next two Sundays and the time I will be away. My extended family and I will be going to Disney World making me unavailable from March … [Read more...]
Lent Bible Study 2021 – Week 4
Lent Bible Study 2021 Week 4 Shalom WEEK 4 SHALOM HOPE In this fourth week of Lent we focus on another aspect of Shalom that most people are not familiar with, hope. As we continue our journey through these weeks may we continue to reflect on how we can accept this gift of shalom of … [Read more...]
Lenten Self Study Discussions via Zoom
Lenten Self Study Discussions #2 Lenten Self Study Discussions via Zoom You are invited to join me in a Lenten Bible Study discussion time. As has been shared in my pastor letters and elsewhere, in lieu of Lenten soup and study we will be having zoom meetings to discuss the self-study material … [Read more...]
Inspirarity Dialogues #3
Topic: Inspirarity Dialogues Time: Mar 14, 2021 06:00 PM EST Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85131075207 Meeting ID: 851 3107 5207 Some of the discussion questions are: - Are there limits to our forgiveness? - Should we forgive everyone? - What is the relationship between forgiving and … [Read more...]
Lenten Self Study Discussions via Zoom
Lenten Self Study Discussions Lenten Self Study Discussions via Zoom You are invited to join me in a Lenten Bible Study discussion time. As has been shared in my pastor letters and elsewhere, in lieu of Lenten soup and study we will be having zoom meetings to discuss the self-study material … [Read more...]