Lent is a time that churches around the world come together to help others in need through OGHS. The three programs of One Great Hour of Sharing are: the Presbyterian Hunger Program, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program and the Self-Development of People Program. The monies raised, from all … [Read more...]
Inspirarity Dialogues
What were the challenges your faith institution faced and how did you respond? How has COVID changed the way you worship? What have you learned most from the pandemic? Join us for discussion of these and other questions that have arisen from the pandemic. … [Read more...]
Maundy Thursday Service
Maundy Thursday Service We will be having a hybrid worship service on April 14th at 6:00 p.m. We will experience a bit of what it was like at the Last Supper and conclude with a somber song, leaving our time together in silence, as we prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Jesus’s death on the … [Read more...]
Good Friday Worship Service
Good Friday Service Our church, along with Christ Episcopal Church, Stroudsburg United Methodist Church, St. Matthews Catholic Church, Soulcare Church, Zion United Church of Christ, Cherry Lane United Methodist Church and First Presbyterian Church of Stroudsburg will be participating in a special … [Read more...]
Annual Church Rummage/Indoor Yard Sale
Mark your calendars!! Our Annual Church Rummage/Indoor Yard Sale is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 29 & 30, 9:00am to 3:00pm. No early birds. We always have a huge and wonderful selection of bargains and treasures for sale on the upper and lower levels of the church. Items will … [Read more...]
Meal & Message
Meal & Message Starting Wednesday, March 9th, we will be sharing a Meal & Message for Lent at 6:00 p.m. This will continue through Wednesday, April 13th and will be a hybrid event. The Deacons will take care of the first evening and then we will create a sign-up sheet for people to bring in … [Read more...]
March 16th Letter from Pastor Nicki
pastor letter 3.16.22 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Just recently, I came across a poem that another pastor shared with her congregation, pertaining to fasting and Lent. It was so interesting. I started thinking more about fasting and Lent. Lent is, in the catholic tradition, a time … [Read more...]
Family Promise Collection Drive for Supplies
Our church will be sponsoring a collection drive for supplies that Family Promise clients need in the shelter. We will collect items from March 6 through March 20. A table will be set up in the Narthex for your items to be dropped off during the office hours of 7:30 am and 12:30 pm. The items … [Read more...]